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My Projects

"A BIG Texas Thank You to Duke Thomas for sharing your knowledge on solar panels. Once the decision was made, Thank You for keeping me informed throughout the process and even being present for the installation. Again, Thank You Duke for all you have done and continue to do when I have questions."

   John Franks
  Carrollton, Texas

"We had an awesome experience when we worked with Duke Thomas to have our solar panels installed recently. Duke was wonderful to work with as he was attentive to all our questions and concerns and quickly took care of any issues that arose. The Solar installers were professional and did a great job––our panels look great and work even better. Despite the cost of our solar panel loan, we now pay less for energy every month than we did before. Working with Duke Thomas is a no-brainer! Happy Customers!"
Lisa and Fernando Sanchez
Copperas Cove, TX

The Process

Going solar is a straight forward. Our staff of solar consultants walk everyone through solar ownership from start to finish.

By showing a breakdown of the process with Proclaim Solar and showing our clients why it's easy to choose us!


Using our design tools we will be able to show solar access, shade reports, and a line diagram to reveal where all cables will be.

A diagram that shows where all the cables will be for using solar energy


We believe in making an impact in every community we touch. Therefore, being  reliable even post project is extremely important to us. We know the importance of relationships and work hard to build them. 

One of our clients who was very happy using Proclaim Solar and how we made a difference for them.
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